why do snowflakes form in the patterns that they do?


why do snowflakes form in the patterns that they do?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is a very complicated topic that can be explained in various levels of detail. It boils down to ice being a crystal with a hexagonal shape though. As a result ice forms in hexagonal shapes. Of course snow flakes come in many different shapes. How they form exactly and what they look like depends on different factors like humidity, temperature, saturation, etc.

I highly recommend watching this video on snowflakes by Veritasium: [Why are snowflakes like this? – Veritasium](https://youtu.be/ao2Jfm35XeE)

If you are only interested in the physics how a snowflake forms and how it gains its shape I recommend skipping to 5:56.

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