Why do so many drinks not actually taste like the thing they are supposed to be?


I’ve seen this especially with fruits like banana and strawberry. Tastes absolutely nothing like the fruit. Why is it so hard to replicate that taste for so many drinks (especially things like protein powder and/or snacks, even yogurts with chunks of the fruit don’t taste very similar)?

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6 Answers

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Artificial banana flavoring is typically a single chemical: isoamyl acetate. Artificial strawberry flavoring is typically a single chemical too: Ethyl methylphenylglycidate. To really replicate the complex flavors of the real fruits, you would need to use more chemicals and use them in the right ratios. This can become a challenge, not just getting the ratios right, but for them to even work in the drink/candy/cake you’re making, because some of them might decompose in the process of cooking, or might not stay in solution in the drink the same way.

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