Why do so many fruits have seedless varieties but the apple and cherry do not?


Why do so many fruits have seedless varieties but the apple and cherry do not?

In: 219

10 Answers

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I don’t think there are any stone fruit that have seedless varieties. Cherry, avocado, peach, etc. Seedless watermelon they create a hybrid of two different watermelon. Like a mule, these hybrids are sterile and only have malformed seeds if any. Pluots are a hybrid and you’ll notice that they still have a stone… but sometimes it’s only half there or not properly formed. Even seedless oranges can have the odd seed. How they make something seedless depends on how the fruit reproduces and sometimes sterility doesn’t yield the desired results if creating sterile fruit is even a realistic process.

Bananas aren’t seedless, nor strawberries (I know they’re not actually the seeds), nor raspberries… most berries if not all don’t have seedless varieties. Some fruit has seedless varieties but the vast majority of the fruit we cultivate isn’t seedless.

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