Why do so many inexperienced drivers of powerful cars accelerate and lose control?


What is so hard about it? What should one do to not have this happen but still take advantage of the car’s power?

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14 Answers

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I don’t see how some drivers don’t feel how the car is reacting to mishaps/danger and chill out with the aggressive driving. Don’t floor it or drop multiple gears, and take your foot off the gas immediately if things go awry.

My first car was a ‘13 5.0 and later traded for the current generation. Its easy to fuck up in them if you’re ignorant or not paying attention. But I had to learn how to drive them in 5” of snow every winter and if you’re paying attention and not driving like a thoughtless bat out of hell they’re fine. With the mustang and most other high performance vehicles before 2020, you can definitely feel the rear end fishtail or about to in certain situations. You have to learn to predict when itll happen and go easy on the gas. 🤷

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