Why do so many mobile games need to download more data immediately after you install them?


If you play a lot of mobile games you’ve probably experienced this. You finally get a game installed, open it up, and are greeted with a message to the effect of “downloading additional data”. Why wasn’t that data downloaded while the game was being downloaded?

In: 23

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nope, when you dowloaded the game from store you’ve just got a downloader. I guess it’s not to scare people whith how much transfer they have to spend to actually play the game while they’re still at the store/on the stage of choosing a game to play among many others. When the game is chosen, already, at least partly, on the phone though… 😉 the likelyhood of you uninstalling it and going back to browsing the store is rather low then. All to keep a client. Some would even sweeten it up further by playing some introduction/prologue wile the real download takes place.

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