Why do so many Northern Americans have so many allergies?


I live in Eastern Europe and not one singular person I know has allergies.

Americans seems to have a sensibility to everything, gluten, peanuts, all types of foods and substances.

Why is that?

In: 1

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is not a perfect answer, but one theory is the “hygiene hypothesis.”

The world kids grow up in is too clean, and the immune system is not exposed to enough things early in life. The immune system struggles with what is helpful/harmful when people are exposed to new things when they are older.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Sensitivities are different than allergies and cause different reactions.

The eli5 answer is that medical science does not know yet, but Australia and the UK have very high rates of allergies as well compared to other countries that consume a lot of peanuts, like Israel.