I’m a celiac and getting real sick of this information in this thread. No, celiacs cannot travel to Europe and magically eat their wheat because it’s somehow superior. Two, it’s not a new thing but the knowledge of it is more. When I was a kid I came from a long line of ‘banana babies” where babies that constantly were sick were just given a full banana diet. Three celiac disease is extraordinarily harmful. It cannot and should be compared to lactose intolerance. Will I shit my brains out? Yes, but that’s the very least of it. My original diagnosis was actually leukemia (luckily they were wrong) because my white blood cells were SO high from my autoimmune disease. Four, people can carry the celiac gene without having celiac disease. If you carry the gene it can activate for any reason during any part of your life. I was not born with celiac disease, but developed it after a traumatic car accident which I could only link in hindsight.
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