The bread we have now is not like anything we have had before. The first issues we saw was in the 1800s when we started bleaching flour to make it look white. But this also removed important vitamins so people got scurvy from eating it. This is why flour is required to have certain vitamins and minerals added to it. And we are still eating bleached flour.
We have also been selectively breeding the grains to produce a lot of gluten and carbohydrates. This makes the bread fluffy and taste sweet. A lot of people who are allergic to gluten can eat the bread we were making 200 years ago but not modern bread. And modern bread contains a lot more easily digestible calories so you are more likely to get fat from eating bread then every before.
Another thing which have recently being highlighted is that modern grains have a lot more fructanes then ever before. Fructanes are sugar which is hard for your upper intestines to absorb but easy for your gut microbes to feast on. You may know fructanes from its part in darker beers and wines which have a negative effect on your digestion system. The lactose in milk is also a fructane but 30% of the population is immune to it. And now modern bread also have a lot of fructanes which does change how our digestion system reacts to it.
Edit: fructone -> fructane (curse you chemists for naming things so similarly)
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