Part of this is that it just *seems* like a new thing. Bread has been so common across most cultures, people didnt have an easy choice to avoid it. And the science understanding gluten or similar sensitivities is relatively new. So, previously, people would have these bad reactions and just suffer through them.
We didn’t have an obvious way to pinpoint the cause casually because bread is so endemic.
This is true for quite a lot of things. If your read older literature, youll see people described as ‘sickly,’ or ‘feeble.’ Those are vague of course, but in many cases, if you could time warp those people to this time, we would know what it was and maybe be able to treat it.
It think there is also a dose of probable poor self diagnosis in this. Bad diet, other bad habits, hearing about the new science or from people who legitimately have gluten sensitivities, they experiment on themselves. And it can easily be something else, like too much sugar, which is, to make it simple, sorta what very processed bread turns in to.
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