why do so many radio and television news stations in the US use four-letter acronyms as their names? (ex. WFSB, KLAN)


why do so many radio and television news stations in the US use four-letter acronyms as their names? (ex. WFSB, KLAN)

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As others have said, it’s the call sign. Just wanted to note that the FCC is a member of the International Telecommuncations Union (ITU) which has defined call signs blocks for all nations, not just the United States.

Also, this is not only radio and TV but many transmissions – there are exceptions like CB radio or family radio service – but most other transmitters require a license and call sign. For instance amateur radio call signs in the US can begin with K or W, but also with A or N. Ham radio calls use a number to define the region. So for instance, my call sign starts KD4, with the 4 indicating the southeastern US.

Finally, I hope no radio or TV station uses KLAN!

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