Why do so many words in English begin with a silent “p” like psychiatrist or pterodactyl?


Why do so many words in English begin with a silent “p” like psychiatrist or pterodactyl?

In: 1812

55 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fun fact: helicopter comes from the roots “helico” which means spiral and “pter” which means “winged” or “flying”

It’s helico-pter. But people tend to call them heli-copter.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wait, you are not supposed to pronounce it ?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Know why you can’t hear when Pterodactyl’s go to the toilet?

The pee is silent.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Know why you can’t hear when Pterodactyl’s go to the toilet?

The pee is silent.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mom used to (jokingly, -ish) tell me to put on a sweater or I’d catch “pee-neumonia”.

Which is VERY different from aspirating urine, and not at all what she meant.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Wait, you are not supposed to pronounce it ?

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t. Not the way I’m saying it. I’m convinced we need to voice every letter written. That is the way.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t. Not the way I’m saying it. I’m convinced we need to voice every letter written. That is the way.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mom used to (jokingly, -ish) tell me to put on a sweater or I’d catch “pee-neumonia”.

Which is VERY different from aspirating urine, and not at all what she meant.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Because some rascal decided that English pronunciation had to make no sense, so letters like P and K at the start of words shouldn’t be pronounced anymore. Same for some instances of G.

I like to imagine a Gnat-ridden Gnome KniGht on campaiGn against Pterodactyls stabbing a Psychologist in the Knee with a Knife by desiGn because he Knew too much about a Knotty affair.