Why do some animal mothers seem unintrested in their babies after giving birth?


I have seen videos of some of the animal mothers not taking care of their babies after giving birth and ignoring them completely or even acting exasperated with them . Why does this happen? Is it the same reason as some human mothers who accidently got pregnant not being interested in parenthood?

In: 3

6 Answers

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Humans are unusual in the animal kingdom for, among other reasons, their relatively large head. The evolutionary tradeoff for this is that humans give birth much earlier in the gestation process than other animals – pregnancy would be a full year for humans if their young developed as long in the womb as most mammals. Pushing the baby out before its head gets too big means that it is not as prepared to live on its own as the young of other species, so humans have to spend a longer time raising a completely helpless child than other animals.

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