Why do some animal mothers seem unintrested in their babies after giving birth?


I have seen videos of some of the animal mothers not taking care of their babies after giving birth and ignoring them completely or even acting exasperated with them . Why does this happen? Is it the same reason as some human mothers who accidently got pregnant not being interested in parenthood?

In: 3

6 Answers

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You would probably get a clearer answer if you said exactly which animals you’re talking about, as different kinds of animals take all kinds of different approaches towards their young.

For example, there are some species in which the mother will immediately start nudging the baby and trying to make it stand up. This can look a little callous to our eyes, but the quicker the baby starts walking, the better its chances of avoiding predators.

And don’t necessarily trust your ability to recognize when an animal is “ignoring” another animal. Humans bond with each other through talking, eye contact, hugs, etc. but other social species interact differently. In some cases they will use sounds and gestures that seem meaningless to us or that we can’t even detect.

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