Why do some animals, like sharks and crocodiles, have such powerful immune systems that they rarely get sick or develop cancer, and could we learn from them to improve human health?


Why do some animals, like sharks and crocodiles, have such powerful immune systems that they rarely get sick or develop cancer, and could we learn from them to improve human health?

In: 9649

39 Answers

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Alligators frequently get in fights and then soak the injuries in swamp water. To avoid dying of infection, they have small proteins that destroy bacteria throughout their bodies. Some [scientists at Auburn University](https://www.freethink.com/science/genetically-modified-fish) recently made a GMO catfish that makes the same bacteria-destroying protein as alligators and it successfully protected the catfish from infection. In principle you could do something similar to humans, although no one seems to like the idea of GMO humans.

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