Why do some animals, like sharks and crocodiles, have such powerful immune systems that they rarely get sick or develop cancer, and could we learn from them to improve human health?


Why do some animals, like sharks and crocodiles, have such powerful immune systems that they rarely get sick or develop cancer, and could we learn from them to improve human health?

In: 9649

39 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

people are reluctant to genetically modify humans, but once we do, it’s gonna be pretty wild

Anonymous 0 Comments

We’re actively researching most of those. Also looking into a certain type of jellyfish that when it gets to the geriatric stage of life, it reverts itself back to adolescents. And we’re looking at lobsters that don’t die from old age, only from being killed or getting sick.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Both sharks and crocodiles are immensly old creatures in evolutionary terms.

Could that have something to do with it? They have been the way they are much, much longer than us. So maybe they just had more time to adapt their bodies more ideally, making them more likely to avoid causes of natural death?

Just a speculation, but I find this thought very interesting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We’re actively researching most of those. Also looking into a certain type of jellyfish that when it gets to the geriatric stage of life, it reverts itself back to adolescents. And we’re looking at lobsters that don’t die from old age, only from being killed or getting sick.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Both sharks and crocodiles are immensly old creatures in evolutionary terms.

Could that have something to do with it? They have been the way they are much, much longer than us. So maybe they just had more time to adapt their bodies more ideally, making them more likely to avoid causes of natural death?

Just a speculation, but I find this thought very interesting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Both sharks and crocodiles are immensly old creatures in evolutionary terms.

Could that have something to do with it? They have been the way they are much, much longer than us. So maybe they just had more time to adapt their bodies more ideally, making them more likely to avoid causes of natural death?

Just a speculation, but I find this thought very interesting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of money was made in the 1970’s selling people shark cartilage based on the idea that sharks don’t get cancer and that ingesting the cartilage would prevent/cure human cancer. The problem was that sharks do get cancer and it doesn’t work anyway.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of money was made in the 1970’s selling people shark cartilage based on the idea that sharks don’t get cancer and that ingesting the cartilage would prevent/cure human cancer. The problem was that sharks do get cancer and it doesn’t work anyway.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of money was made in the 1970’s selling people shark cartilage based on the idea that sharks don’t get cancer and that ingesting the cartilage would prevent/cure human cancer. The problem was that sharks do get cancer and it doesn’t work anyway.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We’re actively researching most of those. Also looking into a certain type of jellyfish that when it gets to the geriatric stage of life, it reverts itself back to adolescents. And we’re looking at lobsters that don’t die from old age, only from being killed or getting sick.