Why do some boiled eggs easily come out of the shell and others seem to fuse to the shell?


Why do some boiled eggs easily come out of the shell and others seem to fuse to the shell?

In: 1895

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Has anyone ever heard of adding white vinager to the water as they boil?

And if so Why?

Anonymous 0 Comments

So many wrong answers here. It had nothing to do with the age of the egg, or anything like that. A VERY reliable, although still technically un-scientific large scale test by J Keni gives you the best info. In practical use, I can use his method and I would say greater than 95% of my eggs peel perfectly.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Americas Test Kitchen on NPR solved this with science. Age or any other variable does not matter. Chill boiled aggs in ice cold water for said minutes. It has something to do with the proteins in the thin layer under under the shell. Try it. Works 99% of the time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not the age of the eggs. Like others have said, dropping eggs into boiling water rather than bringing the temp up with both water and eggs is supposed to help. The cold water bath after seems to help a lot.

A lot of people online (YouTube) say to add baking soda or salt to the water, but I couldn’t see any differences when I tried that.

I personally have noticed that if I just leave them boiling way longer than necessary, like long after hey are cooked through, they get harder to peel.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So… I actually tried this yesterday. I have chickens. I use an auto hard egg maker, like a counter top steamer. Then I always do an ice bath. Yesterday I put 10 4wk old eggs and 2 1day old eggs. Marked the fresher ones.

The two fresh eggs stuck to the peel, the other 10 fell right out basically. I’m going to continue to use aged eggs 🤷🏼‍♀️

Anonymous 0 Comments

My surefire method is to pressure cook them. Don’t know why but all my shells pretty much come off in one piece since trying this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I used to have the issue when I boiled them. I use a pressure cooker with just a little water and never have the problem.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For perfect peeling hard boiled eggs every time I switched to steaming them. Steam for 16 minutes in a steamer pot or with a steamer basket. Don’t add the eggs to the pot until it’s fully steaming. After 16 minutes transfer the eggs to an ice water bath. Perfect peeling eggs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I occasionally boil eggs in an instant pot. They’ve always been very easy to peel. I don’t know if it’s the pressure or the steam or something else.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve found that putting eggs in my steamer basket for 10 to 11 minutes they come out perfect and easy to peel every time