Why do some brands of medication have different affects than others?


I’m talking about a singular type of medication. So for example: i take Verapimil to control my palpitations.

Some brands help control it better than others, also the capsule form controlled it better than the tablets. I can’t get the capsules anymore but i’ve been through 3 different brands same strength all tablets but 1 brand helps curb the palpitations but the other doesn’t.

I’m assuming this is same for most medications?


Flare i don’t know if it’s biology or chemistry so stuck with the safer option

E – this is UK BTW not sure if it makes a diff

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I believe it’s bc even though they do the same thing, they will have a slightly different make up. Esp since having so many prescription choices isn’t for the patients benefit in the USA, as it’s to make customers pay X company over Y Company. But since we all have slightly different genetic make ups ourselves, those “unnoticeable/slight” differences will react differently in every person too.
Ie. Lyrica works well for my fibro but Gabapentin, I may as well take a placebo. Even though they are technically the same RX. Like siblings sharing a DNA but not exact…
If that all makes sense. I’m not a scientist or physical medical doctor but have been disabled via severe auto immunity for about a decade now and have gone through so many RXes for so many things & this is how a Nurse explained it to me a while ago. I’m assuming/hoping she was correct bc it made sense to me. Haha.

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