Why do some electric motors make noise?


For example electric lawnmowers and drills. Whereas electric cars are mostly silent.

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As pretty much anything else it again comes down to cost. Brushed DC motors inherently make sounds in the brushes. Very low cost devices usually use those because they’re cheap and easy to run. But the majority of the noise usually comes from some sort of gearbox, not the motor itself. Lots of gears running at high speeds produce lots of noise which is what you’re hearing.

Cars use brushless motors, which are quieter and more powerful but also need a powerful and expensive inverter to run. Their gearboxes use helical gears, which are again way quieter, more durable and obviously more expensive.

Edit: I don’t know how much this matters in the end, but a better inverter (that makes a nicer sine wave for the motor) also makes the motor run quieter, because the magnetic fields and consequently the motor’s movement are smoother.

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