– Why do some ethic groups have increased chances of getting certain diseases?


For example, during pregnancy African Americans are said to have a higher chance of getting preeclampsia or gestational diabetes. Genetically, what’s happening here?

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42 Answers

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Diseases will tend to wipe out certain populations aside from those in the population which have some resistance to it. In some cases, one disease can help protect you from another.

Malaria is persistent in Africa but having sickle-cell protects you from infections because the trypanasomes can attack sickle cells. Cystic fibrosis persisted in Northern European populations because it provided protection from cholera, which was big in the region. Pale skin is advantageous to people living further from the equator because it helps those people synthesize Vitamin D better but exposure to more sun makes you more susceptible to skin cancer.

Genetics is not about what is stronger, just what can survive longest to replicate.

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