– Why do some ethic groups have increased chances of getting certain diseases?


For example, during pregnancy African Americans are said to have a higher chance of getting preeclampsia or gestational diabetes. Genetically, what’s happening here?

In: 72

42 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Evolution, humans – like all living creatures – evolved to be able to live in the environment they’re in. For example, vitamin D, as humans lived further away from the equator, they evolved to have paler skin which helped with synthesizing vitamin D with less exposure to the sun. Now, take those white people and put them in Northern Australia and watch how they get skin cancer so easily.

This is a bit simplified, so, yes I know there are other factors but I’m not going into that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Evolution, humans – like all living creatures – evolved to be able to live in the environment they’re in. For example, vitamin D, as humans lived further away from the equator, they evolved to have paler skin which helped with synthesizing vitamin D with less exposure to the sun. Now, take those white people and put them in Northern Australia and watch how they get skin cancer so easily.

This is a bit simplified, so, yes I know there are other factors but I’m not going into that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Evolution, humans – like all living creatures – evolved to be able to live in the environment they’re in. For example, vitamin D, as humans lived further away from the equator, they evolved to have paler skin which helped with synthesizing vitamin D with less exposure to the sun. Now, take those white people and put them in Northern Australia and watch how they get skin cancer so easily.

This is a bit simplified, so, yes I know there are other factors but I’m not going into that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they evolved and adapted that way. A couple thousand years ago there was either an advantage to having these traits, or there was no pressure against them, in the environment where they lived.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they evolved and adapted that way. A couple thousand years ago there was either an advantage to having these traits, or there was no pressure against them, in the environment where they lived.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they evolved and adapted that way. A couple thousand years ago there was either an advantage to having these traits, or there was no pressure against them, in the environment where they lived.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

There are genetic differences between ethnic and racial groups. Some reasons for that are known (malaria sickle cell example) while others are not understood well.

These genetic differences also change how people metabolize drugs.

Some regions (namely japan and china) will require clinical trials include a certain amount of locals from that area for this reason

Certain population will have higher incidence rate due to lifestyle. Those two regions have higher incidence of lung cancer. Southeast Asia also has a higher rate of bile duct cancer because of a parasitic infection common to that region.
