Why do some illnesses get worse before they get better?


Today I woke up feeling worse than yesterday. I started to feel sick almost a week ago, and even after taking care of myself the best I can with medicine and rest, I feel weaker each coming day. It’s not overwhelming, but it’s noticeable. This experience is not original. In the past if I catch something, it tends to get progressively worse until it gets better.

In: 11

3 Answers

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A large part of what makes you feel poorly when ill is the cells of your own immune system, and various chemicals they release to co-ordinate. These chemicals are called cytokines and include a wide variety of substances, which amongst others, cause fever, stimulate mucus production, causing swelling and inflammation.

The immune system functions in a cascading manner, slow at first, and then increasing in activity rapidly. This cascade begins when the body successfully identifies an invading pathogen that is present in numbers large enough to be termed an infection. When immune activity reaches it peak, is when you feel the worst. At this stage, the active infection will also be contributing towards feeling like a dog, in a case dependent manner.

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