Why do some illnesses get worse before they get better?


Today I woke up feeling worse than yesterday. I started to feel sick almost a week ago, and even after taking care of myself the best I can with medicine and rest, I feel weaker each coming day. It’s not overwhelming, but it’s noticeable. This experience is not original. In the past if I catch something, it tends to get progressively worse until it gets better.

In: 11

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you are Ukraine and the virus is Russia.

Day 1 Russia is gathering their troops and you do not really notice it

Day 2 you notice it and start to prepare your army while Russia is destroying your body (both take a toll on your body)

Day 3 Russia is continuing and you start your counteroffense. Which both take a toll on your body.

Day x the fight continues

Last day of sickness Russia or Ukraine has been defeated

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