Why do some injections hurt more then others?


Let’s say it’s the same medication each time, a brand new sharp needle (always same size) and you inject in the same general area but not the exact same spot (so like stomach or maybe thigh). When all the variables are basically the same why does it hurt sometimes and other times you don’t feel it at all? Like yes it’s slightly different spots but only by a centimetre or so. 🤔

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Nurse here. I have given a lot of injections- subcutaneous and intramuscular and intravenous. Needle size and depth absolutely matters. A subcutaneous injection of insulin into the back of the arm or belly fat may not be felt much but a deep injection of antibiotic into the hip/buttock will probably burn quite a bit. Different substances that are injected will hurt more or less. For intramuscular it helps to relax the muscle rather than tense it up. Some substances burn worse than others. Some require larger needles than others. Different medications require different forms of delivery of the product in order to work properly. Some need to be pushed over a slow period of time and take longer to absorb. Some are high volume of fluid versus very low volume. Lots of variables.