Why do some name brand items taste differently than off-brand items, yet they have the same ingredients?


Why do some name brand items taste differently than off-brand items, yet they have the same ingredients?

In: 520

74 Answers

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This is by design. The “brand name” and off brand are often made in the same place. By the same company. They want you to like the brand name better and pay the premium. This bullshit was a big scandal when people were moving away from expensive name brands in the 1980s. It was found that companies bought out lower cost brands or bullied grocery chains into carrying their off brands that tasted just a bit worse than name brand merchandise. That’s why you don’t see the white cans that say “Beer” on them or bread in a plain wrapper that just says “Bread”. The brewers and bakers (the same company as the name brand) made them taste bad so people went back to the brand and happily paid more.

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