Why do some name brand items taste differently than off-brand items, yet they have the same ingredients?


Why do some name brand items taste differently than off-brand items, yet they have the same ingredients?

In: 520

74 Answers

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The predominant reason for this is percentages. Just a small change in amounts of ingredients can make a considerable difference in how your taste buds are affected. The off-brand labels do this for the purpose of cutting costs. It is usually done with the spices and seasonings.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The predominant reason for this is percentages. Just a small change in amounts of ingredients can make a considerable difference in how your taste buds are affected. The off-brand labels do this for the purpose of cutting costs. It is usually done with the spices and seasonings.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alright, I’m gonna cook some bacon, bake an egg, melt some cheese over it, and serve it on a bun.

Now again with those same ingredients, this time I’m gonna chuck em in a blender and serve it with a straw.

Doesn’t taste the same huh

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