Why do some name brand items taste differently than off-brand items, yet they have the same ingredients?


Why do some name brand items taste differently than off-brand items, yet they have the same ingredients?

In: 520

74 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t forget the impact of marketing on psychology.

It has been repeatedly shown in experiments that more expensive food tastes better, even if it’s the exactly (and I mean exactly) the same food. Same with premium brand versus off-brand food.

BTW a similar effect has been found with the effect of painkillers: expensive/branded works better, even if it’s the exactly the same product.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t forget the impact of marketing on psychology.

It has been repeatedly shown in experiments that more expensive food tastes better, even if it’s the exactly (and I mean exactly) the same food. Same with premium brand versus off-brand food.

BTW a similar effect has been found with the effect of painkillers: expensive/branded works better, even if it’s the exactly the same product.


Anonymous 0 Comments

The amount of times the “generic” brand is leagues above the name brand in quality is staggering. Aside from a few items here and there, Great Value kicks the brand names asses.

I know often they’re made in the same factory with “slightly” different ingredients but still… this ain’t the 90s. The generic is better 80% of the time. I don’t know why, but it is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The amount of times the “generic” brand is leagues above the name brand in quality is staggering. Aside from a few items here and there, Great Value kicks the brand names asses.

I know often they’re made in the same factory with “slightly” different ingredients but still… this ain’t the 90s. The generic is better 80% of the time. I don’t know why, but it is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just try adding more or less of 1 ingredient to your morning coffee…. Eg add an extra sugar and see if the taste alters and there is your answer

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just try adding more or less of 1 ingredient to your morning coffee…. Eg add an extra sugar and see if the taste alters and there is your answer

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly same ingredients in different amounts, different packaging techniques/environments, different base ingredient purity and quality.

But also potentially a psychological element. There is a chance that if you took one product, split it in half, and told someone that one half was a certain brand (say one they’re familiar with) and the other was a different brand, they may tell you they taste different.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly same ingredients in different amounts, different packaging techniques/environments, different base ingredient purity and quality.

But also potentially a psychological element. There is a chance that if you took one product, split it in half, and told someone that one half was a certain brand (say one they’re familiar with) and the other was a different brand, they may tell you they taste different.