Why do some plugs have one wider prong than the other normal one while others have two normal prongs with the same size?


What I’m talking about is, for example, a keurig coffee machine having two differently shaped prongs where one prong is bigger and wider than the other, so you have to insert the wider prong into the wider port.

However, something like a phone adapter doesn’t have this, and the two prongs are the same size and shape.

Why is this?

In: 125

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a redundant safety feature which reduces the chances of a hot wire deciding you make a good path to ground. The coffee machine uses a large amount of current and therefore is very anal about it, while the phone charger is never gonna use more than 50 watts, and its all in a plastic case and completely filled with coated wires, so they get to cheap out a little more on a basic safety feature and it doesn’t cause much decrease in safety.

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