Directors aren’t nearly as important to establishing the overall vision of a TV show as they are with movies. In TV shows, the showrunner and/or producers are the ones that are overseeing everything, ensuring that there’s cohesion between episodes and that the season’s narrative is being followed.
Most TV shows are filmed at a pace of one episode per week, but there’s more than a week’s worth of work to be done for each episode, and the director has to oversee all of it. For any given episode, there might be a week of pre-production, where the director needs to plan each scene, scout locations, oversee props, wardrobe, and sets, etc, followed by a week of shooting, followed by a week of post-production where all of the shots are edited together.
So during one week of a production season of a TV show, you might have one director that’s overseeing the editing for episode 4, you have another director that’s shooting the scenes for episode 5, and you have a third director that’s scouting locations for episode 6.
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