I suppose because up and down i obvious, but left and right are semi-arbitary concepts. It only matters when you socialize with humans for some activity. Even for hunting its not that important, humans don’t hunt by going into intense 5 minute battles like in hollywood, traditional hunting without traps was more like punch of humans chasing down an animal until its too exhausted to continue (this could be accelerated by having already inflicted wounds on it).
I mean when in primitive survival situation do you need to know left from right? Very rarely, and its not like you concsiously think “ok, i am using my right hand now”, you just use what is instinctive to you, aka right or left handedness and move on in life.
Its a myth that evolution tries to create perfect beings. It does not. It tries to create beings good enough to survive, that is all it cares about, and being able to tell left from right just has never really been that relevant from evolutionary pov, at least for species as a whole.
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