why do some things like coffee and cigarettes cause you to want to go to the bathroom?


I have always wondered why when some people drink coffee or smoke a cigarette, they almost immediately feel the urge to poo.

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Several compounds have several reasons.

For instance caffeine kinda spurs on your bloodlfow to the kidneys so your body produces urine faster…or just generally fuels the need to go to the bathroom.

Since your liver and kidney kinda disarms and unpacks stuff coming in… it is accelerating that part of the equation.

That is how most things we consider diuretic act in one way or another…there is ultimately many interactions and reasons.

Adhd meds such as adderall and ritalin for instance make you go to the toilet way more often too for similar reasons… it usually tends to be stimulating compounds that do this.

Generally you have some process which either accelerates something or spurs something on to be more likely to be ejected out…for instance on a ketogenic diet you will need to pee more often initially because your body cannot handle that many ketones suddenly as it isn’t used to it yet so your body ejects the rest….eventually it normalises though.

It is also what many bodybuilders concerns are.. you dont have low testosterone because your urine test sais it’s low… it is just the excess your body no longer needs to throw out.. it has its balance now…so you gotta pee less too.

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