why do some toothbrushes cost hundreds of dollars? What exactly are they doing that makes them so much better?

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You can get a manual toothbrush for $1 or some fancy electric toothbrush for over $200. Can it really be cleaning your teeth that much better?

In: Engineering

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. The vibrate at high frequencies and do a way better job cleaning food debris around your teeth and gums. It’s like the different between sawing a board by hand and using a power saw. The data is definitive on this and you can feel a definitive difference when you switch from electric to manual or back.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I own a sonicare and I like to travel as light as possible on my motorcycle. But that damn electric toothbrush works so well that I just can’t go back to a manual brush. I travel with the electric everywhere. There is really no going back.

But you don’t need the $200 model. Buy one up from the cheap model. Never buy the cheapest model. The expensive models are just there to make the mid tier models seem like they are priced correctly.

Just like Logitech. I know a designer there. 90% of the r&d goes into the mid tier stuff. The high end stuff is actually shiny garbage. Buy the middle priced one.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was having gum issues. Switched from manual to oral -b and they got better but still weren’t great. Switched to the cheap $40 sonicare and I’ve never had an issue since. I’ve had one cavity in 15 years. So worth it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on your teeth/mouth. I have great teeth. Never had a cavity, braces, bad gums or been to the dentist in 30 years. I’ve never done anything but brush my teeth morning & night with a regular toothbrush.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Framing is a marketing technique.

If your company makes toothbrushes for $0.10 and wants to sell them for $1 to make money, you advertise them for $1. But if they don’t sell what do you do? You resort to framing. Now you make 3 different toothbrushes that all cost $0.10 to make. One you sell for $0.20, one you sell for $1, and one you sell for $12. No one buys the $0.20 because we assume that it is the cheapest one and is inferior and will fall apart. The $12 is too expensive for a toothbrush, and no one who respects the value of money would ever buy that toothbrush. But the $1 toothbrush? Suddenly, because of Framing, its the Goldielocks and is just right.

Toothbrushes are insainly cheap to make and have astronomical markups, even the electric ones. The vast majority of the profits are spent on marketing to make it seem like they have reinvented the science of getting stuff off your teeth to create framing before you even get to the store, but in reality there hasn’t been some game changing breakthrough in dental care in +40 years.

Anonymous 0 Comments

game changer a cheapo electric toothbrush which i first got, is 10x better than manual…

well unless of course you’re an extremely good brusher

electric toothbrushes should be mandatory now, especially for kids

I’ve since tried high end, it just feels more sturdier, and more powerful, battery last longer etc

I’ve always felt, they make the good one then make weaker versions to sell the high end one for more

Another good reason, I usually floss once every couple of years after convincing myself I need to floss, it akways results in lots of blood, because I havent flossed

Since getting an electric toothrbrush 10 or so years ago, I still rarely floss, but when i do, it doesnt result in bleeding gums