Why do some tuned/custom cars have wheels pointed so far in?


I do unterstand how giving the wheels tilt can provide better grip/traction in racing. What i dont get are the cars i see on the road that look like they have been squashed down. The wheels look like they are almost 45° to the road. Is there a function for this extreme tilt? Is it just a style thing, like low riders that scrape the ground?

In: 5

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, the extreme negative camber (at 45 degrees like you’re describing) is a looks/style thing. It’s absurdist and gets attention at the cost of any sort of safety /handling or practicality.

Sometimes when the wheel tilt is visible but not crazy (2 to 5 degrees or so), that’s helpful for track cars going around corners just because it makes highly stressed outer wheel flat to the ground while the car’s suspension is heavily loaded up on one side.

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