Why do some websites need you to identify trucks to prove you’re human when machine learning can easily allow computers to do so?


Why do some websites need you to identify trucks to prove you’re human when machine learning can easily allow computers to do so?

In: 190

29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mouse movements…

A machine would “look” at the picture, see a truck, and just straight A————-B mouse movement to click it. A human’s mouse movement is a lot less “perfect”

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is exactly why captchas has are worthless.

And aside from machine learning /AI, a mechanical turk process can do it for a bot. This is where the captcha image is sent to a large pool of workers who solve captchas all day long.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not just selecting the correct panel, it also looks at your mouse movement to see if you behave like a human as well. A bot would not hesitate or hover the mouse over pictures while they assess them the way humans tend to.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Google sells the data to big companies for random things, I know that Tesla buys the picture data for the self driving cars to make them more accurate

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is looking at the feedback. On a PC it checks how you move the mouse and on mobile it checks your time for checking I’m not a robot.

And compare that since the last time you had to do it.

The value of this is questionable. Most websites do it to show to Google that they are sincere. Having any form of ‘captcha’ is less annoying than all the low score and complaints you get if you don’t.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a trap, the site tracks your mouse/finger movement & hesitation. If you are too quick or your movements are too mechanical it will ask you a second time but then fail you if it still things you are too bot like.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those are how we teach machine learning to do it.

It’s the same reason they used to mostly be scrambled or warped letter, that was a project to make digitizing printed and handwritten documents easier by training text recognition.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are teaching the machine learning algorithm. CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) knows very likely what picture is a truck and you clicking on the truck no only proves that you are ya human but it also confirms that the algorithm is correct.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are training their AI for them

They used to pay people to do this at the mechanical turk website, but then someone figured a way to get us to all do it for free.