Why do songs generally follow the same flow? Verse, chorus, verse, chorus, the “solo” type thing I don’t know the name of, then chorus again to end it


Are there even any songs out there besides opera and story type songs that don’t follow this theme?

In: 2

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The part you don’t know the name of is called the bridge. The only other parts in a song that weren’t mentioned are the intro and the coda (outro). In short, it’s a pop music algorithm. It’s a mix of what won’t take up too much airtime on the radio and using math to figure out the most popular order and timing for those parts of a song that you named. There are plenty of contemporary artists that don’t follow this algorithm, but you’re not likely to come across them on the radio. The further back in time you look, the more likely you are to find songs that don’t follow this algorithm. Edit: a word

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