Soccer balls ⚽️ are made with a bunch of hexagons
Baseballs ⚾️ and Tennis Balls 🎾 have two a rounded hourglass shapes
Basketballs 🏀 have their own weird thing going on
Volleyballs 🏐 have the rectangles
Why aren’t there soccer balls with the volleyball pattern? Why not make a baseball out of hexagons?
In: Other
You know the dimples on a golf ball impact how the ball travels, right? So does the stitches on the balls. Plus you also have muscle memory. A ball player learns how to grip the soft ball and masters it. If that ball had different stitches each time he picked it up, he/she would not be able to control it properly. And likewise the batter would not know how to hit it properly either. A consistency is needed for the sport to be consistent.
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