Why do spiders not run away when they see a human?


Its really weird that spiders dont run away when they see a human. Aren’t they hundreds of times larger than they are? Why do they just chill and sometimes descend onto people or near a person. They can literally see other creatures even humans.

In: 31

9 Answers

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A lot of web spiders see only light and dark. So they basically can’t see you. They sense their world through their web. Tiny vibrations: food. Large vibration: animal to big to eat so run away.

Edit: I should add sometimes spiders like wolf spiders may appear to not only not run away but sometimes move towards you. When you are walking around you will disturb various bugs in the grass and that is what the spider is attracted to. So sometimes they use you to help root out their prey. But if you intentionally move real close the spider will then run away. I have had wasps use me in a similar way. There is an asian wasp in Texas that catch japanese beetle grubs. So they are always flying low and slow above the grass looking for prey. When I cut my grass I make their life a lot easier since they can see their prey better. So it will appear the wasp as coming after me if you look back while grass cutting. Not coming after you, just using you and are just following you, not attacking. They inspect the grass you just cut and follow you all around the yard. If you stop mowing, they will fly by or just fly elsewhere. Sometimes these bugs just find us to be darn helpful to them in finding their targets and aren’t interested in us otherwise.

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