why do sports matches start at the same time? How does this make business sense?


I watch the Premier League (English Soccer), but I just looked up the NFL and it’s true there too. Matches start at the same time. WHY?! I would love to watch multiple matches – all I can do is pick one or kinda watch multiple screens? Surely it would also be better for business? There are ten Premier League matches a weekend. The earliest kick-off is 12:30, the latest is 20:00. There’s space for 5 matches a day!

i.e. 12:30 – 14:30; 14:30 – 16:30; 16:30 – 18:30; 18:30 – 20:30; 20:30 – 22:30.

So, How does it make business sense to hold matches at the same time when fans might want to watch more than one and thus be exposed to more advertising?

EDIT: To be clear, the current schedule for the premier League last weekend was 1 at 12:30, 5 games at 16:00 or so and 1 at 20:30. We already have staggered times! It’s just that the majority are cotemporaneous.

In: 31

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Another thing to consider: Convenience for away team fans to travel to stadium. At least in Europe most away fans travel to the match (and back) on the day of, making afternoon the ideal kickoff time.
Early morning matches would require an extra hotel night the night prior, which many can not or do not want to afford.

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