Why do television shows have ASL interpreters, and not CC?


I’m watching the Apple livestream (yeah, bored). There is an optional large section, about a third of the screen, with someone translating into ASL. Most government livestreams do the same, and many others.

It would *seem* that anyone capable of reading onscreen ASL would be capable of reading closed captions. I understand that ASL is its own language, so it’s not just English, but it’s easy to add multi-language CC, fully automated.

So what is the purpose of a separate ASL stream, as opposed to just having multi-lingual CC?

In: 23

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

CC is great for prerecorded content, but ASL interpreters are way more accurate than auto-generated instant closed captions. It’s better for them to have the interpreter onscreen than assume the voice recognition software is sending the correct message.

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