Why do the first pair of leaves of many plants look so similar?


Just noticed this on my tomatoes as well as maple saplings and other plants in my garden that the first pair of leaves are almost always long with roukd tips, while the next leaves look very different for each plant.

In: 1

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re normally the cotyledons – the seed leaves that are in the seed with starch reserves to get the plant growing, and the real leaves, the plumule, comes up later.

All plants have similar cotyledons, they all have to fit in roughly the same case, and only the second leaves look like the adult leaves/

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re normally the cotyledons – the seed leaves that are in the seed with starch reserves to get the plant growing, and the real leaves, the plumule, comes up later.

All plants have similar cotyledons, they all have to fit in roughly the same case, and only the second leaves look like the adult leaves/