Why do the muscles in our heart don’t expand or grow like other muscles although they keep working all the time?


Why do the muscles in our heart don’t expand or grow like other muscles although they keep working all the time?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They can. Translated from my language that’s called ‘athlete’s heart’. They’re actually less efficient than regular hearts and can cause a lot of health issues.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They can. Translated from my language that’s called ‘athlete’s heart’. They’re actually less efficient than regular hearts and can cause a lot of health issues.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They can. Translated from my language that’s called ‘athlete’s heart’. They’re actually less efficient than regular hearts and can cause a lot of health issues.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are different types of muscles: smooth, skeletal etc. skeletal muscle is what helps us move and what body builders go to the gym to build up.

I think the “grow” u are talking about is caused the micro tears or micro lesions, that happen when the muscle is put under strain (when lifting weights, and u get the idea) when these muscles heal, they gain volume.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are different types of muscles: smooth, skeletal etc. skeletal muscle is what helps us move and what body builders go to the gym to build up.

I think the “grow” u are talking about is caused the micro tears or micro lesions, that happen when the muscle is put under strain (when lifting weights, and u get the idea) when these muscles heal, they gain volume.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are different types of muscles: smooth, skeletal etc. skeletal muscle is what helps us move and what body builders go to the gym to build up.

I think the “grow” u are talking about is caused the micro tears or micro lesions, that happen when the muscle is put under strain (when lifting weights, and u get the idea) when these muscles heal, they gain volume.