why do the the fighters in MMA have Vaseline smeared all over their faces and in their wounds in between rounds?


why do the the fighters in MMA have Vaseline smeared all over their faces and in their wounds in between rounds?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s meant to help prevent wounds.

When you get hit in the face, you aren’t getting cut with anything. So what is going to make you bleed is your skin tearing, like a piece of paper.

Putting Vaseline on the skin before hand helps keep it soft and stretchy, instead of dried out, so it’s less likely to tear when you get hit.

The do have other things to help stop bleeding, namely chemicals that help make blood coagulate, but those aren’t Vaseline.

Vaseline could be applied to a wound that’s already there to try to prevent it from getting worse if it gets hit again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s make it more slippery so when a fighter gets punched, their skin doesn’t tear as easy.

Imagine rubbing a piece of leather really hard on skin, it kind of sticks to the skin right? With vaseline, it slides smoothly vs sticking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Vaseline helps to reduce friction and tearing when the thin skin of the face is struck by the rough surface of a fist.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Vaseline repels water (sweat) and also helps punches slide right off the face.

Keep in mind it’s petroleum based.