Why do thunder storm clouds form suddenly out of no where?


I know nothing about geology but am from a place where there are always sudden thunder storms out of no where and I sometimes pay attention to our observatory rader screen.

So what I see is that sometimes huge thick red/orange/yellow clouds coming from the sea and we will know the whole day will be rainy, but sometimes the rader shows 30 minutes ago there’s absolutely no cloud anywhere near my city but then suddenly a green cloud shows up over an area and within 15 minutes it becomes orange and red, meaning there’s thunder storm and huge rain in that area.

Why? Those clouds just come from no where and can form from nothing to suddenly huge thick red thunderstorm clouds in just 15-20 minutes?


Edit: just in case you guys dont know what I refer to as green/yellow/orange/red clouds… I’m referring to this:– [https://www.weather.gov.hk/en/wxinfo/radars/radar_range1.htm](https://www.weather.gov.hk/en/wxinfo/radars/radar_range1.htm)

In: 2

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They form out of the humidity on the air around you.

They can literally form directly over your head.

Very humid air is forces to rise quickly. This is often due to and invisible, intruding wall of cold air moving into the area.

This thrusts the water filled hot air up faster than normal, and causes it to chill as the pressure drops with altitude.

So instead of slowly building a layer of clouds as the air rises in it’s own, you get a huge mass of clouds very quickly.

The next kicker is that condensing water… Releases heat. Which actually fuels further cloud formation.

And if you make a large amount of clouds quickly, this heat injection is very large causing huge updrafts…. Which pulls up more wet humid air… Which condenses… And you get a feedback loop.

This is why thunderstorms seem to grow rapidly in height.

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