Why do treadmills and elliptical machines have that 5 minute cool down time after a programmed workout. Is it necessary?


Why do treadmills and elliptical machines have that 5 minute cool down time after a programmed workout. Is it necessary?

In: 2

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Short answer – intense exercise causes changes to your circulatory system, especially in your legs. A rapid and sudden STOP in intense exercise can cause a sudden problem with things like dizziness or loss of consciousness. Since treadmills are typically in places where a person who drops unconscious might get hurt and start a lawsuit. they incorporate a cooldown to help prevent this, and they can always blame you for misusing the machine if you ignore it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not *entirely* necessary, but at the same time, it kind of is; that cooldown period is so your heart rate has three opportunity to return to normal(ish) as well as your muscles.

In this way, your body isn’t too stressed out when you start your exercise routine.

Anonymous 0 Comments


the sort of workout these machins are used for is meant to push for bloodflow where going from fast sudden starts and stops can have you just outright pass out.

as these machines tend to be in locations where the user passing out can get them injured(making the companies making them liable) they force this cooldown.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The treadmill and elliptical machines have that cooldown period programmed into them, because it’s what you’re supposed to do with *any* cardio exercise regardless of whether you’re doing it on a machine or out in the world.

The warm up and cooldown periods are to ease the stress on your body before and after working out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve saw a woman interrupt a vigorous elliptical workout and get off the machine, only to collapse. It wasn’t her heart or anything, just her leg muscles, and she wasn’t injured in the fall. I was the only other person there and I thought she got off because she was having a heart attack or something. She just wanted to go get her phone or something.