Why do trucks have so many transmission gears?


Why do trucks have so many transmission gears?

In: 354

19 Answers

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It’s much like riding a mountain bike. It’s almost physically impossible to start on the highest/largest gear. Instead, you start with a much lower gear first. This allows you to build up the momentum of the main/pedal gear. Eventually, with enough speed and momentum, the smaller gear becomes too small and you’re pedalling doesn’t make you go any faster.

But now that the main gear has enough momentum, you can change it to a higher/larger gear. Now with each pedal, and much the same force, you go further. Because you’re turning a bigger gear.

Eventually the middle gear isn’t quite enough, but you’re chugging alone nicely and the main gear is turning nicely. So you then change it to the biggest gear.

Trucks are very powerful, but the engine only really provides one turning mechanism. There are so many gears, because there is so many gear sizes that can be used depending on things like the weight of your load, if you’re suddenly going up hill, or if you suddenly need to slow down etc.

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