Why do two-way openable doors have designated “PUSH/PULL” signs on the opposite sides?


Why do two-way openable doors have designated “PUSH/PULL” signs on the opposite sides?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

One thing you learn about people: when it comes to the simple things, they want direction, not options.

If they have a two way door, people might just push, which would be fine, but they might also freeze, since the part of their brain that is usually asleep (not judgement – that’s just how the human brain works) is brought in to decide how to interact with the door.

Plus, if you have one side for pull and one side for push, you coordinate people better. People on the pull side will keep a bit more distance from the door, and pull the door open, which prevents collisions with people on the push side, who will be more likely to square up to the door and push against it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I can think of several reasons why this could be done.

Suppose two people approach the same door from opposite sides at the same time. The door could go both ways, but not at the same time. By having such a sign both people can operate the door in the same direction (if they pay attention), instead of pushing or pulling against each other.

Another possible reason is that someone approaching the door might be confused about which way it operates. Even though both directions work they might take pause in trying to figure out if they should push or pull, assuming it only works one way. Just picking a push or pull direction to post on the door can provide an answer they are looking for.

Still another reason is that sign packages can be sent out without considering how a specific door is mounted. Sending a push/pull sign pair doesn’t hurt anything if a particular door is mounted such that it can swing both ways, but a door which cannot will need both those signs. It is probably more trouble to expect them to make an entirely different sign for those doors and to communicate to the sign producers to send the special signs, than just sending the pair of signs and figuring it doesn’t really matter.