Why do urls like allegory.com and smelt.com redirect to godaddy? Does no one really own those by this point? I feel like just about every common word or phrase would have been taken by now.


Also leg.com and smell.com don’t appear to be owned.

In: 45

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

someone registerd and hosted them through that service and then didn’t renew it so they take the domain for themselves and put it up for sale

Anonymous 0 Comments

A domain can be taken without being used. Many of those seemingly empty sites are owned by people/businesses, registered decades ago. They don’t use these domains, but keep them to sell when a high-enough bidder comes along.

It’s not uncommon for businesses to buy out domain name holders, and domains registered way back in the 90s don’t require upkeep charges. So they often just stick a few ads on there and wait for a payday.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The price of allegory.com is over 250000 eur + yearly fee. So that’s pretty expensive.

smelt.com on the other hand is taken it’s just that the owner decided to pay extra to hide his information and is currently not using the domain. They might be looking to sell it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

People use GoDaddy to buy-and-hold names for resale. GoDaddy themselves also buys up names to resell to customers at a premium

For example, “[fourtwenty.com](https://www.godaddy.com/domainsearch/find?domainToCheck=fourtwenty.com)” is $4.2 million.

Anonymous 0 Comments

People buy domains (websites) that may not appear to be anything with the hope of selling them later for a big cash out.

Using OP’s example, [leg.com](https://leg.com) doesn’t look like anything but it was purchased in 1997 and is in fact owned by someone.

Many popular simple word domains were bought up during the dotcom boom for this very reason.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s called “domain parking” and it’s done for different reasons.

Sometimes it’s people speculating that they can register the domain and sell it later for a profit. Perfectly legal unless you register a domain name that is somebody else’s trademark.

Sometimes it’s someone with future plans for the domain.

Sometimes the domain is actually being used, just not for any public-facing content. Examples would be managing a personal mail domain, or hosting a personal cloud storage system.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What you’re seeing is called “domain parking”. Just because you see a GoDaddy domain parking page doesn’t mean no one owns the domain. It just means no one is currently doing anything with the domain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, they’re owned. To add to the responses here, try to go to “rognwlflclerjfivneksl.com” or something, you’ll see a domain error message, not a message from GoDaddy or similar. That’s what an “unowned” domain looks like when you visit it.