Why do video games often crash when they have too many things on screen at once?


Frame rate almost always drops but many times the game will crash as well. Why does this occur?

In: Technology

2 Answers

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Computers keep track of objects and their properties through some lines of code. For example, if the object moves, the game has to keep track of its position, speed, etc.

Now, for every object that’s currently loaded (in some cases it doesn’t need to be on screen, just in the game world at the time), the computer has to keep track of all of them. As the number of objects increases, more processing power is necessary, which causes the frame drops you were talking about.

If we keep adding more and more objects, there comes a point when the computer can no longer keep track of everything, or it needs more processing power than it actually has. It has two options at this point: Either it keeps trying to load everything, creating heat as the processor gets overloaded; or the game notices that it can’t keep up and crashes to prevent damage to the computer.

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