Why do we clap?


What’s the socio-cultural significance of clapping? Like who decided people should bash tf out of their palms to someone or something that wins, impresses, makes an appearance?
The idea of it ‘activating’ the ‘accupressure points in fingers’ seems plausible but surely some bloke up and said whoaaa this stuff makes my chakras go brrrrr…
So… what’s with that?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Clapping is one form of applause. That is, the making of noise as a form of ovation of praise. Some cultures stomp their feet, some yell, some do all of that and more. The exact age of the concept of applause is uncertain but the idea of making noise to show appreciation for a performance is pretty simple to understand. You want the person or group to know that you like what they did so you make noise. It’s a simpler act than every single member of the audience going up and telling the person that they enjoyed the performance.

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