Why do we elevate injuries to promote recovery? If this is the correct thing to do, why does the body send more blood to the injury?


Why do we elevate injuries to promote recovery? If this is the correct thing to do, why does the body send more blood to the injury?

In: 299

9 Answers

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The school of though on PRICE (Protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation is changing.

More and more sports doctors are recommendeding avoiding icing and compression which help swelling but hinder blood flow. They are also starting to avoid anti-inflammatories.

It turns out swelling and inflammation help the body self-splint and speed healing.

The reduced mobility and increased pain helps prevent and injured person from pushing too hard and worsening an injury

When a patient with a musculoskeletal injury comes into our clinic, the doctor recommends hot packs to improve blood flow, no compression unless necessary, no icing, and Tylenol rather than an anti-inflammatorya for pain.

Of course he also recommends resting, but not elevation as it’s unnecessary.

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