Why do we feel hungry, weak, or lightheaded at all, when the body can just burn the stored fat?


When we need energy, can’t the body just burn the stored fat? Isn’t that the whole point of stored fat? Why will we feel hungry, weak, lightheaded, etc. at all? I understand if the body doesn’t have enough fat (if you’re super skinny), it would make sense to feel hungry, but I don’t understand why would that be the case if there’s enough fat to go around.

In: 2291

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically you have Glucose, which is the immediate fuel your cells use. Glycogen which is the next metabolic step and pretty readily available, and then you get into long-term storages.

Your body can’t store all your energy as Glucose, otherwise your blood would turn to sugar-syrup which is really bad. It has mechanisms to transfer glucose to/from long-term storage but the goal is to maintain Blood Glucose in a certain range.

When you graze on food all day the mechanism is working in one-direction to pull glucose out of the blood and maintain the right level.

If your routine gets disrupted the mechanism which has been trained to expect grazing behavior overshoots and you feel like crap as your blood glucose drops low.

That will fix itself, but it’s not instantly responsive. People usually feel like crap for a few days adjusting to a new diet, then reach a new equilibrium and feel normal.

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